
How To Achieve An Interview!


Achieve Interview!

If you want to ace your next interview and make a great first impression, here are 20 pointers to help you prepare.

1. Research the industry and company:
An interviewer may inquire about your perception of his company’s position in its industry, who its competitors are, what its competitive advantages are, and how the company should proceed. As a result, avoid attempting to properly examine a dozen distinct sectors. Instead, narrow your job search to a few industries.

2. Clarify your “selling points” and the reasons you want the job:
Prepare three to five key selling points for each interview, such as why you are the ideal
applicant for the role. Prepare an example of each selling point (I am a good communicator.
For example, I persuaded a large number of people to…). And be prepared to tell the interviewer why you want the position, including what intrigues you about it, what benefits
it provides that you value, and what skills it takes. If an interviewer does not believe you are genuinely interested in the job, he or she will not make you an offer – no matter how good
you are!

3. Anticipate the interviewer’s concerns and reservations:
There are always more contenders than available vacancies. As a result, interviewers hunt
for ways to eliminate candidates. Consider yourself in their shoes and consider why they
might not want to hire you (I don’t have this, I’m not that, and so on). Then prepare your defence: "I understand you could be thinking that I’m not the ideal fit for this position because [their reservation]. But you should be aware of [cause for the interviewer’s lack of concern].

 . Prepare for common interview questions.
Every "how to interview" book contains a list of at least a hundred typical interview questions (You might be wondering how long those interviews last if there are so many similar questions!) So, how do you get ready? Choose any list and consider which questions, given your age and standing, you are most likely to face (about to graduate, looking for a summer internship). Then practise your responses so you don’t have to fumble for them during the interview.

5. Line up your questions for the interviewer.
Bring clever questions for the interviewer to demonstrate your expertise of the firm as well
as your serious aim. Interviewers always ask if you have any questions, and you should
always have one or two prepared. If you respond, "No, not really," he or she may conclude that you’re not serious about the position or the organisation. "If you could construct the ideal candidate for this role from the ground up, what would he or she look like?" is a good all-purpose question. If you’re conducting a series of interviews with the same employer, you can ask each person you meet some of your prepared questions (for example, "What do you think is the best part about working here?" and "What kind of person would you most want to see fill this position?"). Then, throughout each interview, try to think of one or two others.


6. Practice, practice, practice.
It’s one thing to have a mental response to a question like, "Why should we hire you?" It’s a completely different task to say it out loud in a confident and persuasive manner. You’ll sound muddled and confused the first time you do it, no matter how clear your thoughts are in your head! Repeat 10 times more, and you’ll sound more smoother and more articulate. However, you should not start practicing while "on stage" with a recruiter; instead, practise before the interview. What is the greatest approach to practise? Gather two friends and interview each other in a "round robin" fashion, with one person acting as the observer and the "interviewee" receiving input from both the observer and the "interviewer." Play four or five rounds, exchanging roles each time. Another (second-best) option is to tape record your response and then play it back to determine where you need to improve. Whatever you do,make sure that your practise includes speaking aloud. Rehearsing your response in your head will not enough.

7. Score a success in the first five minutes.
According to some research, interviewers form opinions about candidates within the first five minutes of the interview – and then spend the rest of the session seeking for items to reinforce that choice! So, in just five minutes, what can you do to go through the gate? Arrive energised and enthusiastic, and express gratitude for the interviewer’s time. (Keep in mind that she may be visiting a lot of other applicants that day and may be exhausted from the travel in.) Bring on the energy!) Also, begin with a good comment about the company, such as I’ve been looking forward to this meeting [not “interview”]. I believe [the company] is doing excellent job in [a certain
field or project], and I’m really excited by the prospect of being able to contribute."

8. Get on the same side as the interviewer.
Many interviewers see job interviews as competitive: Candidates will try to wheedle an offer
from the interviewer, and the interviewer’s task will be to keep it. It is your responsibility to turn this "tug of war" into a relationship in which you are both on the same side. You may say something as straightforward as, "I’m excited to learn more about your organisation and to let you learn more about me, so we can determine whether or not this is a good fit. I always think that the worst thing that can happen is if you are employed for a position that is not a good fit for you – then no one is happy!"

9. Be assertive and take responsibility for the interview.
Some normally assertive candidates may become extremely meek during interviews in an effort to be nice. However, civility does not imply passivity. An interview is similar to any other conversation in that it is a dance in which you and your partner move together while reacting to each other. Don’t make the mistake of simply waiting for the interviewer to question you about your Nobel Prize. It is your obligation to ensure that he understands your major selling points.

10. Be ready to handle illegal and inappropriate questions.
Questions regarding your ethnicity, age, gender, religion, marital status, and sexual orientation during an interview are inappropriate and, in many cases, unlawful. Regardless, you may receive one or more of them. If you do, you have a few choices. You can simply respond with a question ("I’m not sure how that relates to my application"), or you can try to answer "the question behind the question": "I’m not sure if I’ll decide to have children in the near future, but if you’re wondering if I’ll be leaving my job for an extended period of time, I can say that I’m very committed to my career and frankly can’t imagine giving it up."

11. Make your selling points clear.
Did a tree make a sound if it fell in the forest and no one was around to hear it? More importantly, did you score if you express your selling points during a job interview and the interviewer doesn’t comprehend it? The answer to this question is unequivocal: No! So, instead of burying your selling points in long-winded anecdotes, highlight them. Instead, tell the interviewer your selling point first, and then provide an example.

12. Think positive.
Nobody likes a complainer, so avoid bringing up negative experiences during an interview. Even if the interviewer asks you directly, "What courses have you enjoyed the least?" or "What did you dislike about your former job?" Don’t respond to the inquiry. Or, more specifically, do not respond to the question as it has been posed. Rather, offer something like, "Actually, I've enjoyed something about every one of my classes. For example, although I found [class] to be very tough, I liked the fact that [positive point about the class]" or "I liked [a previous job] quite a bit, although now I know that I really want to [new job]."

13. Close on a positive note.
What went wrong if a salesman came to you and displayed his goods, then thanked you for your time and walked out the door? He never asked you to buy it! If you reach to the end of an interview and realise you want the job, ask for it! Tell the interviewer that you'd like the job a lot – that you were excited about it before the interview and are much more excited now, and that you're certain you'd like to work there. If there are two equally good prospects at the end of the search – you and someone else – the interviewer will believe you are more likely to accept the offer and may be more inclined to make an offer to you. Even better, use what you discovered about yourself from your MyPath career assessment to explain why you believe this is the position for you: "I've done some rigorous professional self-assessment, and I know that I'm most interested in [one or two of your most important career interest topics], and it appears that this position would allow me to express those interests – correct me if I'm wrong." I also know that [two or three of your most important motivators from your MyPath assessment] motivate me the most, and I believe that if I do well, I will be rewarded in this position. Finally, I am aware that my strongest abilities are [two or three of your strongest abilities based on your MyPath evaluation], and I believe that these are the skills most needed for this role." If you follow this advice, you will (a) ask for the position, (b) explain why you believe it is a good fit, (c) demonstrate your thoughtfulness and maturity, and (d) further neutralise the tug-of-war dynamic that interviewers expect. You'll be making the strongest "close" possible – and that's priceless!

14. Bring a copy of your resume to every interview.
Bring a copy of your CV with you to every interview. If the interviewer has misplaced his or
her copy, you'll save a lot of time (and the interviewer will be embarrassed) if you cansimply pull your additional copy out and hand it along.

15. Don’t worry about sounding ‘canned’.
Some people are apprehensive that rehearsing their responses would make them appear
"processed" (or overly polished or glib) during the interview. Don't be concerned. If you've done your homework, you'll sound smooth and articulate rather than canned. If you're not sufficiently prepared, the stress of the scenario will overpower any "canned" qualities.

16. Make the most of the ‘Tell me about yourself’ question.
This is a common opening question for interviewees. So, how should you react? It's fine to tell a tale about where you were born, what your parents do, how many brothers and sisters, pets and cats you have. But would you rather the interviewer write down your dog's breed or why the company should hire you? Consider answering to this question as follows: "So, clearly, I could tell you about a variety of topics, and if I'm forgetting anything, please let me know. But the three things I believe
you should know about me are [your selling points]. If you'd like, I can elaborate on those." "Sure, go ahead," interviewers will always say. Then you add, "In response to the first point, [include an example]. And I [example of another selling point] when I worked for [business]." Etc. This technique allows you to concentrate on all of your major selling points during the first 10-15 minutes of the interview. The "Tell me about yourself" question is a goldmine. Don't pass it up!

17. Speak the right body language.
Dress appropriately, create eye contact, extend a solid handshake, maintain decent posture, speak clearly, and refrain from wearing perfume or fragrance! Interviews are sometimes held in confined rooms with poor air circulation. You want the interviewer to focus on your job qualifications, not faint out because you wore Chanel No. 5 and the applicant before you was showered with Brut, and the two have combined to generate a deadly gas that results in you not getting an offer!

18. Be ready for behavior-based interviews 
One of the most prevalent interview techniques nowadays is to ask candidates to recount
experiences they have had that illustrate characteristics that the firm believes are relevant for a specific role. You can be asked to describe an instance when you took an unpopular decision, demonstrated tenacity, or made a decision under time constraints and with minimal information. The first step is to anticipate the behaviours that this recruiting manager will be searching for. Step 2 is to think of at least one instance when you showed each behaviour. Step three is to write a story for each case. Many people suggest utilising SAR (Situation- Action-Result) as a story paradigm. The fourth step is to practise narrating the story. Also, check your resume with this style in mind before the interview; this can help you remember examples of behaviours you may not have foreseen in advance.

19. Send thank-you notes.
After each interview, send a thank-you note. Depending on the interviewers' preferences, type each remark on paper or send it via email. Personalize your notes by referring to what you and the interviewer discussed; for example, I was especially happy about [or interested in, or delighted to hear] what you stated about…" If you’re thanking a personal contact for their assistance in your job hunt, or if the organisation you’re interviewing with is based in Europe, handwritten messages may be preferable. Notes should be sent within 48 hours of the interview, regardless of manner. To create an effective thank-you note, take some time after each interview to jot down a few points about what the interviewer said. Also, write down what you may have done better in the interview and make changes before your next interview.

20. Don’t give up!
If you have a negative interview for a job that you honestly believe would be a good fit for
you (rather than something you desperately desire), don’t give up! Write a note, write an email, or contact the interviewer to let him or her know you believe you did a poor job of conveying why you believe this position is a good fit for you. Reiterate what you have to offer the firm and express your desire to help. The success of this plan is dependent on both the firm and you. But one thing is certain: if you don’t attempt, your chances are nil.

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